Page 28 - rulebook 2020
P. 28

       10-10:  Girls can leave the base when the coach releases the pitch.

       10-11:  The run rule will be 12 runs after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4
               innings, and 8 runs after 5 innings

       10-12:  Please refer to Section 5. Players and Substitutes for lineup
               and substitution rules where applicable.

       10-13:  No stealing or bunting. Slapping is allowed.  Penalty for
               BUNT is ruled a DEAD BALL OUT

       10-14   Infield Fly Rule and Intentional Walks do not apply to this age

        10-15  Slash (To show Bunt then pull back at the last moment and
               take a full swing) is illegal in 8u. Results in Dead Ball Out

        10-16  PICKOFFS are not allowed in 8u, since Stealing is not

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